Archive for the ‘Garden’ Category

Winter Salad. . . and Thoughts of Spring

Saturday, August 9th, 2008

There is not much to eat in the garden right now, since we had a disorganised autumn followed by an uncommonly wet winter. The ground is cold and sodden, and the garden is looking very un-appetising for the most part. For all that, we are still enjoying some tender garden salads made from corn salad, radishes (cherrybelle and black Spanish radish), and winter lettuce. This has been our first crop of winter lettuce, the seed for which came from Koanga Gardens. True to its name, this lettuce has proved to be extremely hardy over the winter, escaping the ravages of the slugs that have plagued some of our other winter crops. A few leaves of arugula and cilantro are livening up our salads also. Also from the garden: some Swiss chard (silverbeet), collards and kale, celeriac, Jerusalem artichoke, plus onions and garlic stored from last season. Otherwise, we are pretty much holding out for spring!

Winter salad

The last couple of days have finally offered enough sun to get outside and continue work on clearing more of the garden beds for spring planting. There’s still a lot to be done, but I’m inching my way through! Early August is a time full of hopes and plans here on the Farmlet, as I think ahead to the spring and summer. I’ve ordered seeds for the coming season, and plan to plant the first of these (inside) in the next few days.

Favourites from last year include: Asian red lettuce, tree lettuce, red cabbage, collard greens, squire kale, corn salad, leeks, Welsh bunching onions.

New kinds to try: multiplying spring onions, half-century lettuce, deer’s tongue lettuce, Oregon Trail peas, tat soi (Chinese flat cabbage).

As always, it will be fun to see which vegetables perform best in our conditions.

I’ve actually just penned a note in my garden diary for this time next year, inviting myself to think back and draw a comparison of what vegetables we are picking from the garden (then vs now). I’ll be sure to share my observations when the time comes! I’m hoping that we’ll be better-organised this coming autumn, and will have a better selection of vegetables in the garden this time next year!

Best Wishes to All on the Winter Solstice

Monday, June 23rd, 2008

Yesterday was the winter solstice. We went out to the coast to have dinner with my parents.


Time to enjoy warm meals of oxtail soup and beef pot-roast.

Time to work on sewing and crafts during the long, dark evenings. Yes, I do still find a little bit of time for this, even with a crawly baby to look after! I’ve been making some home-made baby rattles, and have plans to mend some old sweaters and maybe sew a new shirt and dress.

Time to make sure warm covers are on the bed for the cold nights ahead. Though the solstice marks the solar midwinter, the climatic “midwinter” usually comes in July. We have a big warm duckdown comforter on our bed. It’s a kingsize, even though our bed is just a double. Owen snuggles between us in the nest, covered with a soft woolen baby blanket. This is a very cosy and happy arrangement, as long as Owen doesn’t wake up at 4am, churning his limbs like a conglomeration of eggbeaters. Fortunately we all sleep well most nights.

Young garlic growing in the winter sun

Time to get out the garden plans and seed catalogues, and make plans for the coming spring. We are keen to try growing a new kind of hot chile, recommended by some friends. They also have a recipe for some delicious hot chile sauce (a fermented one). We can’t wait to try this.

Time to plant garlic. Actually, our garlic has already been in the ground for about three weeks. We were given a very generous supply of seed garlic by some kind friends, so have been able to put in 300 plants. This is a huge increase over the last two years. We feel happy every time we look out the window and see all those spears of green poking out of the garden soil.

Best wishes to all on the winter solstice!

Local Food

Thursday, May 15th, 2008

As we attempt to produce as much as possible of our own food here on the Farmlet, we also continue to challenge ourselves to find local sources for foods we do not produce ourselves. Recent shortages of grains and other staples are making such arrangements ever more urgent and meaningful.

Fruit trees take a while to establish, and Kevin and I haven’t even planted very many yet, so we are always pleased to find good local sources of fruit. We recently made a trip out to a local organic apple orchard and picked five dollars worth of apples — so many that Kevin could only just lift the crate! We’ve been eating our fill of apples, and I’ve been busy transforming the rest into apple leather and dried apple pieces using our dehydrator. I also have plans to make some applesauce and a lacto-fermented apple chutney. Some other fruit for which we’ve found wonderful local sources include feijoa, grapefruit, guava, bananas, babaco, plums, avocados, pears loquats, figs, macadamia nuts, tamarillos and blackberries. We count ourselves very lucky!

Recently, we’ve also been enjoying some delicious fat lamb from a local farm. This is fantastic, since we have no plans to keep sheep on the Farmlet any time soon. Our fencing isn’t equal to containing sheep, just for starters! I think I may also have found a local source of pork fat for rendering our own lard.

Becky gets ready to fill our freezer with the lamb

Lamb chops

Northland does not have a favourable climate for the production of many kinds of grains, but we can source biodynamic wheat and buckwheat from Terrace Farm, a biodynamic farm in Canterbury. I think I have also found New Zealand sources of barley and oats. All the while, we will continue to experiment with growing our own maize, and also have plans to try amaranth and quinoa. These are the grains that seem most likely to suit small-scale production in the Far North of New Zealand.

Pulses? All of this year’s dried pea crop got stolen by birds very soon after Owen was born. I didn’t realise what was happening quickly enough, and by the time I went to put on the row covers, it was too late. Oops! If we want to enjoy a few pots of delicious pea soup this winter, I’ll have to buy some peas from Terrace Farm. We’ve grown a small but lovely crop of borlotti (pinto), and selugia beans this year. I’m saving most of what we’ve grown to increase our seed stock (plans for a bigger crop next year!), but we’ll still be able to enjoy the odd treat of refried beans or minestrone soup over the winter.

Getting Our Hands Dirty

Monday, May 5th, 2008

It is gratifying to see lots of seedlings poking their heads out of the soil in plant pots and garden beds. I started planting our autumn/ winter garden very late this year, and hope we’ll still get some vegetables to harvest despite my tardiness. Noticing how late it was, I compromised and bought some seedlings for broccoli, spinach and swiss chard at the local hardware store. All seem to be doing well in the garden. I direct seeded two kinds of radishes (cherrybelle and black spanish), bull’s blood beets, turnips, miner’s lettuce and corn salad. In pots, I’ve started cilantro, garden cress, red cabbage, and two kinds of lettuce (“Asian red” and “Winter”). We’ve not tried growing miner’s lettuce and winter lettuce before, so it will be interesting to see how these cool-season greens fare in our garden.


Kevin has been digging potatoes, and I’ve been grubbing around for kumara to add sweetness to our dinners. We are still harvesting carrots, salsify, and late zucchini, as well as our trusty welsh bunching onions, collard greens and a bit of kale. It’s an interesting game, juggling baby and garden, but I’m enjoying getting my hands back in the dirt as much as possible. It’s fun to watch Owen’s growing fascination with animals, leaves, rain drops and the wonderful natural world all around him. While one part of me is dreading the destructive force of a crawly/toddling little human in our garden, another part of me thrills at the thought of him enjoying his early contact with earth, mud, slugs, and even his mother’s precious vegetable seedlings! My brother, sister and I grew up around gardens, and I think we were very lucky. I know it took a lot of patience from our parents and grandparents as they taught us the right way to pick ripe produce and to help out in the garden without leaving a trail of destruction behind us.

What else is going on around here?

I’ve taken over the ordering for our local whole foods co-op. This means gathering up order details from all the members and submitting them to the wholesaler. It’s actually been a frustrating business so far due to our phone line being dead for over a week while I was trying to take orders. (It got fried up in an electrical storm!) Still, it’s given me the chance to network with some really interesting people, and it feels right to be sharing the responsibility for this valuable service rather than leaving all the work to someone else.

On the “to do” list:
Plant onion seeds so that the seedlings will be ready to set out in the garden in a couple of months.
Plant broad beans. Better hurry, or they won’t get a decent start before the cold weather sets in.
I have made a huge pile of grass clippings, and Kevin is wondering if we might use them to attempt to grow a winter potato crop in a large barrel in a warm sheltered spot. I’ll be sure to report on anything that develops on this front!

Interesting New Plants in the Garden

Thursday, April 10th, 2008

Recently we’ve acquired some interesting new plant material from a generous friend and fellow gardening enthusiast, who has a fantastic collection of edible plants. I hope I’ll be writing more about these plants (and providing pictures) as they grow and we are able to use them.

In our vegetable garden this year, I’ve allotted space for yacon, Jerusalem artichoke, and yam (diascorea batatas). We are pleased to be diversifying our range of root vegetables.

Jerusalem artichoke

I’d been on the lookout for soapwort for a while, and now we have some. I’ve planted it in the herb garden, and am looking forward to experimenting with using it for washing once it gets big enough.

Orangeberry: This perennial berry looks delicious. Apparently it’s also drought-tolerant, and doesn’t mind hard soil. According to the information I’ve found, we may have to wait at least a year or so before we get any fruit.

Stevia: I’m lucky I didn’t kill this plant by leaving it in a cold spot after it was given to us. Somehow it survived. I’m planning to keep it in a pot under the eaves, so that it will be protected from cold conditions in the winter.

Chayote squash (choko): I’d been looking everywhere for a smooth-skinned variety of this squash, and was very happy to be given one. The little plant is already taking off, and we are planning to plant it out soon, near a fence so that it will have a structure to climb on.