Will Work for Avocados

Becky and I have been helping Becky’s Mom and Dad move house over the previous couple of days. (Check out their beachside paradise, Cable Bay Cottages.)
Becky and I graciously accepted payment for our efforts… in avocados picked from their trees!


Even though avocados are one of our favorite things to eat in the world, not even Becky and I will be able to gobble up all of these. We’re going to try to sell a few, here and there.

If you’re a local (Doubtless Bay area, New Zealand), we have a few of these delectable treats on sale at the glorious Bush Fairy Dairy. Eat tasty avocados and support Farmlet at the same time! How cool is that?

Update: We decided to try to sell some of the avocados at the Kaitaia Farmers’ Market. We might try the Keri Keri Market next weekend.

I wore my finest t-shirt for the market

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